Sunday, March 1, 2009

Burn Baby Burn

Man these 85 degree spring training days are really getting old. No, now that I think about it, not really. Saturday brought some actual work and meant I spent some time in the sun, weird. I was also reminded my skin only has two colors, white and red*. Also, almost took one for the team during the Jarrod Washburn interview as a foul ball from batting practice whizzed right past us. In my defense the alcohol really slows the reactions and you can't really see the ball until it's about 6 feet away coming over the bullpen fence. There was also a brush with greatness as Chris Shelton walked past me, I believe there was even a slight shove to move me out of the way. Of course, I couldn't say anything I'm a dork like that.

After another loop around Thunderbird (where I somehow acquired a huge bruise on my right foot) we found ourselves back at the Guilty Skirt**. Yes, that makes it 3 times in 4 nights***. I know, a little creepy. But on the other hand it's only 1 month out of 12 in the year, so that really makes it sound better, at least that's what I keep telling myself! Our waitress really got a kick out of my red look, I'm not sure that's a good thing. As we got drunk watching the Coyotes game I drove everyone to drink more by sharing stories about just about every member of the Blues, I really am a big dork. I was the only one paying more attention to the game than the atmosphere. A text to tv's Brad Adam was in order though as they played most of Appetite for Destruction, nothing like a little Axl to drink to.

For those of you concerned that there was no post yesterday, don't worry nothing major happened. More specifically nothing happened. After hitting it hard all week we spent Friday night at Abeulo's enjoying a nice meal and a relaxed evening then just came back and went to bed fairly early****.

Oh and there will be some big news***** soon so keep checking back for updates.

*Yeah, might want to use sunscreen moron!

**Though I'm still freezing him out, Vocht did pick up most the tab so he should at least get a mention down here in the asterisks. Thanks Kevin.

***Technically it's 4 days in a row but Friday was a "legitimate"****** work visit.

****We really are big dorks like that and didn't go out on a Friday.

*****Of course I no longer do news, I'm all about entertainment and I'm not even sure how well I do that!

******And by legitimate I mean an excuse to put them on camera and get cheap alcohol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get to watch the ASU WSU game?