Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sweet Redemption!

Alright, a week ago all the FSN viewers got to see it well documented as I failed to summit Squaw Peak. Well Tuesday night I got the chance to make amends. This time I fueled up by editing 3 shows and eating In-N-Out before attempting this daunting feat (I know, the training regimen of champions).

There were 8 people in our party hoping to reach the peak. Jussero, Jen, Dan, and Dan's girlfriend (Rebecca, yes she has a name) got the jumpstart on everyone (thanks to the Wong missing the exit on the freeway). That left Phil, Wong, Curtis, and myself stretching in the parking lot. Phil immediately started running up the hill (yes, he's insane and yes he finished in 22 minutes). I started next but was quickly passed by Curtis and the Wong. But slow and steady gets the job done even if that means swallowing your pride as you get passed by grandmothers while trying to catch your breath without falling over. So I plodded along with my knees feeling like they were about to explode with each step stopping to catch my breath seemingly every 100 yards. Finally I got to the mile mark and looked up and saw 2 things. 1) Curtis taking pictures at the summit and 2) the most daunting stretch of hill I ever want to see again. However, seeing Curtis at the top gave me the motivation I needed to get to the top (with only 4 or 5 stops). Finally I reached the top in what for me was a good 39 minutes. Woohoo!!

In case you're wondering it was Mariah Carey in the ipod... HA just kidding. AC/DC helped power me to the top. Oh and to show that's not just a random shot anywhere here is the peak. A smart guy would have taken a picture earlier to show just how steep the trail is, but no one's ever accused me of being a genius.

Yes, that is TV's own Jen Mueller in the white hat, she only beat me by 10 minutes. Unfortunately the best picture of the 6 people to make the summit is on Phil's camera and we have to wait for him to be able to download it from his camera. Of course, if only 6 people made it to the summit that leaves 2 people who fell short. Dan and Rebecca didn't quite make it. Better luck next time, at least he didn't leave his dessert on the hill this time.

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