Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Big Debut

I know you have all been holding your collective breath with anticipation for this news, but tonight's the night. My big FSN debut. In fact it will be my first television appearance since a young and innocent John interviewed the Hanson Brothers. Once again, I'll come off looking like an idiot (except a little more red in the face gasping for air), but really isn't that the case normally?

There's not a whole lot to report from a work standpoint. I spend my afternoons glued to the John Jacobson Editing Suite, the only burn I'm close to getting is one from the glow of the monitors. Good Times.

Alright, I've got to go get pretty for my big moment!


Anonymous said...

Your scene was pretty disappointing. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

i not only share the newsroom with ross...i am ross...

and i agree...we saw you for 3 seconds, panting like an elderly dog...

as the editor...i think you should have given yourself a little more airtime...